The February Month....

The Love month…

This February is kind of like the busy month for us (with le fiancé) for we are prepping and getting ready for.. well for your knowing next month is our Wedding day. (Yey and Omgee) And also we had our prenup shoot this month. It was really fun and I cant wait to see our short vid and photos. We got kethleyuy (one of the sought after photographer in Davao City) to have our photos for our prenup and on the day. She’s like my non-negotiable in all my suppliers.🤗

Here are some random happenings for now…but in the next months, maybe (I mean I know..haha) Il be flooding with all things in my wedding…so please bear with me as I say I DO in march…


We did..(I mean) mostly me..haha….every bit of details from invites to curated gift boxes to candles and stuff… And I totally love and enjoyed doing and choosing everything..and made it all personal to us. Well the groom really does play the big role, he’s the total Yes man and just agreed to what the bride wants and everything went smooth-sailing… I think every groom should be if you want a breeze plan..wahahah

Yes we do have help of course, we have our families and friends who helped out and our coordinator. Also I think every couple should have a coordinator for their wedding coz he/she will lay out all the details needed.

The notebook….teehee

The notebook….teehee


Well it ain’t Valentines without flowers…

thanks for always surprising me my babsyboo…

mi amour..

mi amour..

Michelle Te